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Exclusive - Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 by Auto FX Software Get 28% Off Exclusively from - 28% OFF Auto FX Plug-ins Full Version Product and 20% OFF Upgrades.

Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 - With its 60 powerful easy-to-use filters, users can quickly enhance their images with flexible adjustments. These are easy to apply and customize often in just 1-click.
Includes: Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 with Photoshop Plug-ins.
Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 is an updated software solution that takes your enhancements to a whole new level of speed and power than previously available in the first two releases of this software product.
Your new interface design includes a streamlined work-flow with an improved rendering engine, larger and faster before/after previews, brush palettes, new effect layers, easier brush-on / brush-off tools, instant effect presets with larger previews to give the user one of the most comprehensive tools in the industry. Easily apply an effect to the entire digital image or to the areas you want with the precise Brush-On / Brush-Off tools.
* Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 interface shown.
The interface is very intuitive and easy to use. Tool tips appear when you hold the mouse over options providing help explaining the features. You have over 300 pre-made presets included to quickly get you started with some amazing looks. Included in Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 are a variety of valuable Portrait Filters that can improve skin color, minimize skin blemishes and wrinkles, enhance eyes, lips and hair and the ability to reshape facial features. As with the Liquefy control in Photoshop, a user needs to exercise control and only make believable changes, as there is no real constraint in their parameters. On the flip side however, it can generate interesting and humorous caricatures.
System Requirements - works with
Macintosh OS:OS 10.5 - 10.9.2 / PPC or Intel OS:
Memory: 2 GB Disk Space: 2 GB RAM
Windows OS:
XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Memory: 2 GB Disk Space: 2 GB RAM
32 and 64 bit Win Versions
Photoshop Plugin Support:
Adobe Photoshop: CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, and CC
32 and 64 bit Versions
Photoshop Elements:
8 / 9 / 10 / 11
32 bit Version
Corel Paintshop Pro:
Corel Draw X5 / X6
32 bit Version
Corel Draw:
Corel Draw X4 / X5 / X6
32 bit Version

Auto FX Software Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1
Photoshop Plug-in

With 60 different filters to select from, it is truly amazing that you can count on each filter stacked and applied consistently, providing perfect results time and time again. Any Photoshop CS-CC or Photoshop Elements user will adapt quickly to Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1.
Buy Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 for Only $249-28% off = $179.00. Use promo code enter our exclusive discount coupon code PS28AFXSV upon checkout at Auto FX Software for an exclusive 28% discount. This applies to any Auto FX Software digital image enhancement solution including 20% off upgrades as well.

Auto FX Software Mystical Suite Gen1
Photoshop Plug-in Bundle
Purchase the Mystical Suite Gen1 and enjoy over 100 full version effects from all three Mystical Products developed by Auto FX Software. These are the Mystical Focus Gen1, the Mystical Lighting and Ambiance Gen1 and the Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1.
Buy Mystical Suite Gen1 for Only $399-28% off = $287.00. Use promo code PS28AFXSV upon checkout at Auto FX Software for an exclusive 28% discount.

Auto FX Software Product Line Bundle Gen1
All 6 of the Auto FX Software Photoshop Plug-ins Bundled Together
The Product Line Bundle Gen1 by Auto FX Software for Photoshop features one of the largest array of the most advanced and powerful filters in the market today. It is not difficult to find a solution to some of the most common (and often challenging) post processing issues. This Gen1 Bundle includes over 175 effect filters and hundreds of instant effect presets to improve your images with intuitive, easy-to-use tools featured in each Auto FX Software program designed to make achieving advanced photo-manipulation techniques effortless.
Now with the Gen1 upgrade you will find the best working version of Auto FX Software available anywhere. Purchased separately, the products in this suite are worth over $1200. Purchase the Auto FX Product Line Bundle Gen1 today for $499-28%off = $359 exclusive to readers and save $865.
*** Please Note - Never Before Offered By Auto FX Software. For the first time ever Auto FX Software is offering a full upgrade, if you qualify for their Auto FX Product Line Bundle Gen1. Save 20% on all 6 of their great products in this full Product Line Bundle Upgrade when you use the discount code upon check-out. Get all 6 of your favorite Auto FX Software Products today for only $299-20% = $239. Enter PS28AFXSV during checkout for instant savings.***

Here are some of the Visual Enhancements the User Can Perform with Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 by Auto FX Software
The Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 application features easy to use Color, Tinting and Tonal effects which require minimal tweaking to provide dramatic and beautiful results very quickly. The new lens effects can effectively simulate graduated filters and polarisers. They are quick and easy to apply and provide the great effects with minimal adjustments. The Sharpening filters provide good image detail and clarity; on par with more traditional filters available in Photoshop.
HSB Adjust - Create the Exact Color you Need
Optimize your image with brush off precision for color tinting and correction. Change details and bring out the exact colors you need to make the impression you are after. Change summer trees & grass to winter or fall. Apply the filter and brush off precisely where you want to return the original content as seen in the example below.
HDR B&W Effects - Intensify Black and Whites -
Create intensified stylized looks similar to dodge and burn techniques in the lab with the HDR filters for intense image enhancement. Add back a little color for a dramatic effect. No need to have three versions of the image to get true to life HDR effects.
Enhance Eyes Effects - Intensify Eye Color, Make-up and Brightness of Eyes -
Intensify and infuse natural looking color to enhance eye color. Remove or reduce eye redness to brighten tired eyes. Enhance Make-up choosing any color desired. Can be used to brighten teeth as well.
Soft Black & White- Create Calm and Pleasing Black & White Environments -
Deliver soft contrasts to any color or black & white image smoothing out hard edges and sharp contrasts. Mask out any area to leave in color for a more artistic appeal.
Level Adjustment- Increase or Decrease Highlights and/or Darks as Desired -
Transform Dark to Light or Light to Dark areas for a more even appearance. Tone down areas that possesses too much intensity relative to the overall appearance of your images for the most even appearance you are after.

Although the FREE Sampler App is at no charge, if you desire to purchase any of the great image enhancement software solutions simply enter our exclusive discount coupon code. Please use PS28AFXSV upon checkout atAuto FX Software for an amazing 28% discount on any Auto FX Softare digital image enhancement solution and a 20% discount on any upgrade. This discount is also including the Product Line Bundle software as well.

The 60 filters in Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 are organized in the following categories: Color Effects, Tonal Effects, Tinting, Lens Filters, Sharpening, Special, Smoothing,Portrait and HDR Filters. Each filter allows the user to change several attribute sliders for dramatically different effects.
Easily combine filters from different effect categories stacking them on top of each other and re-arrange their order of effects in the layer palette for different looks.
The user can save the effect settings of their creations as Layer Presets to use again with other digital images. Mystical Tint Tone and Color Gen1 comes with over 300 pre-made customized presets that you can apply instantly to your digital images as well.
For more visual examples visit Auto FX Software and see what the many Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 effects can do for your digital image enhancement needs.

Effects Examples Continued...
Green Foliage- Increase and Boost Bland Green Color Tones -
Transform drab green color tones to liven up your foliage. Make the trees and grass pop with vitality and vibrancy. Affect only the green without altering other aspects of your image.
Sharp Posterize - Increase Detail and Intensify Color Tone -
Compress the color tone of an image while simultaneously increasing and producing crystal clear details.
While Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 is extremely useful for professionals who can enhance multiple photos efficiently with the use of presets, it is also just plain fun to use for hobby photographers and digital scrap-bookers who want to create unique ways to present their enhanced digital images.
Under Color — Paint Color Under the Dark Tonal Values of any Image -
Brush color under the existing darker tonal values in an image. Create a natural color appearing over dark to pure black and white images. Tonal Range controls restrict color infusion to dark, mid-tone and lighter areas contained in your digital image.
Polarizer— Increase Color Depth and Tones -
Deepen tones and gradually introduce color depth with control.
Sepia— Control the Mixture, Tonal Quality and Opacity of Colors -
Traditional darkroom effects are easy to achieve and allows the user to add in rich, lustrous tones as well as a slight hint of color. This effect is a must for anyone needing to create a soft and gently display with their digital images.
Auto FX Software - Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 Conclusion
While many third-party plug-ins for Photoshop can be odd or perform specialized tasks, Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 provides everyone who works on digital photos an immediate useful benefits.
The user can enhance and refine images with little effort to create the right ‘feel’, and create very sophisticated final renderings no matter how bad or simple the original digital image may be. Simply load the image into Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1, the user can then apply any one of the 60 effects from a select effect list. Refine the look and feel with appropriate desired slider controls. Each effect is applied in a similar fashion to Photoshop’s adjustment layers as each effect exists in its own layer.
The user can add additional effects, and move back and forth fine tuning each cumulative effect stacked one on top of the other. Turn effects off by clicking the green check mark next to the name in the layer-list palette. The user can re-arrange the layers to produce many different results.
Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 is particularly geared to photography techniques, ranging from deliberate over/under-exposure and warm/cool filters. Other common photography effects are monochrome styles, tonal enhancement, sharpening/blur techniques, and polarizing techniques.
The user can brush on specific effects for more precise application placing the desired effects in the users desired areas. Pay close attention to the brush tool as some brush effects do not immediately create a change because it is up to the user to brush across the image to affect the desired result. Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 allows the user to paint mask layers that affect other effect layers depending upon their position in the layer palette.
Objectively speaking, there is nothing in Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 that you can’t achieve using Photoshop alone, but it has serious productivity advantages for the serious Photoshop user.
As previously stated, Photoshop is not needed because the program can run as a standalone. With the combination of multiple adjustments, many of the cumbersome customizable steps usually seen in Photoshop will lead the user to an identifiable result with just a few intuitive clicks when using the Gen1 version. Photographers discover the simplicity of applying and enhancing the filters in Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1 such as HDR effects, Sepia or Hand Tint effects in one or two clicks, rather than work out what sequence of tasks would be required to achieve a similar result using the users tool-set of an image-editing package used in Photoshop or Photoshop Templates.
A common feature associated with all of the plug-ins produced by Auto FX Software is its handling of the undo and presets applications. You can temporarily specify up to eight non-consecutive undo states as you work by clicking sequentially the eight ‘memory dots’, and at any time save the current effect settings (or combination effect) as a temporary preset. Since memory dots work like adjustment layers in Photoshop, the effects are applied at high speed to low-resolution comping images first, saved as presets, and then applied to their full-res versions later on.
Auto FX Software developed their presets to be more flexible than Photoshop Actions or Photoshop Templates as the user can use them and adjust them as needed. Each time you position a slider the effect acts similar to a brand new Photoshop Action or Photoshop Template just the same.
The best aspect of Mystical Tint Tone & Color Gen1, though, is its focus on the intended result rather than the complex steps a user may to in getting to the end result as seen in other software programs. It is easy to take average and undesired digital images and inject a variety of enhanced visual moods into them as seen in high end Pro level digital darkrooms. It's both simple to use and the user will find that they can perform complex digital enhancement with just a few minutes of product use. Professional photographers love the professional and predictable results they can achieve very easily.

Try a Mystical Suite Gen1 FREE DEMO for yourself to see if Auto FX Software has created the right image enhancement solution for you. You can download the full trial version of the Mystical Suite Gen1 FREE DEMO by Auto FX Software.

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