TBA - updating.

Photoshopgurus Photoshop Forum
Check out what other Photoshop enthusiasts are saying and doing at one of the oldest and finest online Photoshop communities. Ask questions, answer questions, post your art work for review. Also features some monthly contests and competitions where you can contribute your own work for scrutiny.

Adobe Photoshop & ImageReady Forums
There's a Photoshop & ImageReady Forum for Windows, and one for Mac users. Before you can enter and post you must register. The forums are provided for users to share their thoughts, tips, questions, and techniques, but are not a way to contact Adobe directly. Users are friendly and will answer technical questions quickly. Also a good way to get the latest tech notes and news about Photoshop.

PurePhotoshop Forums
Lots of members, lots of threads, lots of posts. If you're interested in designing websites in Photoshop you'll find lots of great forums here to help you. The Purephotoshop.net community now consists of over 1600 members and has become a very friendly place for new comers to post all kinds of questions. Regardless of your skill level, someone will help you out.

Photoshop Cafe - Photoshop Forum
A very resourceful forum run by Photoshop guru Colin Smith. Look for:
Contests Photoshop Cafe contests and any other member contests.
Tutorials Nice collection of excellent tutorials.
Photoshop/Image Ready Ask and answer all things related to Photoshop and Image Ready.
Buy, Sell & Exchange Sell graphic related items here or request items to buy. No commercial advertising.

You'll find some great Photoshop forums, including:
General Photoshop Issues
If it doesn't fit into any other Photoshop related forum, it goes in here.
Beginner's Section Start here if you're new to Photoshop.
Brushes, Actions, etc.
Actions, Brushes, plug-ins, extensions and other files to customize Photoshop.
Photoshop Tennis
Do battle with your fellow users.
Techniques and Tutorials
Learn more about Photoshop and its functions, with the Techniques and Tutorials in this forum.

Graphics.com - Photoshop Forum
Good busy forum, well moderated by Photoshop experts. Questions, comments, tips, tutorials, news, rumors - if it's about Photoshop, this is the place. Lots of good tutorials here, all nicely done with step-by-step instructions.

Tek-Tips Photoshop Forums
The Tecumseh Group created these independent professional forums to help people do their work more efficiently by providing a "buddy system" for solving problems. On Tek-Tips Forums professionals can participate in free and confidential forums with others in their specific areas of expertise, without intrusion from marketers and recruiters.

RetouchPRO is a resource for the professional or the hobbyist who is interested in photo retouching, restoration, and manipulation. This is a great place to learn new skills as well as to be reviewed by experts in the field. RetouchPRO offers close to 2 Gigabytes of information and illustrations, all free.