Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended - New Features
Ideal for film, video, and multimedia professionals and graphic and web designers using 3D and motion, as well as professionals in engineering and science, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended software delivers everything in Photoshop CS3 and more. Render and incorporate 3D images into your 2D composites. Stop time with easy editing of motion graphics on video layers. And probe your images with measurement, analysis, and visualization tools.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended includes key new capabilities that let you incorporate 3D and motion-based content into your image editing workflow. Now you can render 3D content into your 2D composites, edit existing textures on 3D models, and embed your edited models into Adobe PDF files for easy collaboration with colleagues. Plus, you can animate video frames, paint and clone over multiple video frames, and import and export video files in a wide range of formats.
Analyze images with precision
Photoshop CS3 Extended helps professionals in manufacturing, medicine, architecture, engineering, and scientific research gain more insight from images. Measurement and counting tools enable analysis of 2D and 3D images. MATLAB users can pull image data from Photoshop Extended into MATLAB and visualize results of MATLAB algorithms back in the software. And medical professionals can correct, annotate, and analyze DICOM files.
Work more productively
With improved performance throughout the editing workflow, Photoshop CS3 Extended helps you work more productively even when editing the most specialized images. Experience native performance on both Intel and PowerPC based Macs and on Microsoft Windows Vista systems. Maximize your workspace with a streamlined interface, process raw images with increased speed and quality, and manage assets more efficiently in the revamped Adobe Bridge CS3.
Composite and edit with unrivaled power
Leverage the power of the industry standard for the utmost creative control in image editing and compositing. Now you can apply filters nondestructively, manage and correct color more easily, convert color images to rich black-and-white with one click, and retouch images with more powerful cloning and healing tools. Plus, you can enjoy advanced compositing with breakthrough tools for aligning and blending layers automatically and making image selections with one brush stroke.
Product highlights
Manufacturing and design engineers
With Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended software, you can easily import, rotate, and create different rendering modes and edit existing textures on 3D models to enhance 3D content or create compelling composites of 2D and 3D content.
Medical professionals
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended software helps you improve patient care with powerful tools for documenting and analyzing treatment and visualizing potential outcomes.
Architects and engineers
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended software helps you communicate your vision clearly and make an impact with all of your drawings and designs.
Scientific researchers
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended software delivers new tools for analyzing and extracting data from images, and offers powerful presentation capabilities to help you communicate your discoveries.
Students and educators
With features designed for professionals in video and motion graphics production, manufacturing, medicine, architecture, engineering, and scientific research, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended software is a key new tool for students pursuing careers in these fields, and for their instructors.
Product overview
3D compositing and texture editing
Easily render and incorporate rich 3D content into your 2D composites even edit textures on 3D models directly within Photoshop Extended and immediately see the results. Photoshop Extended supports common 3D interchange formats, including 3DS, OBJ, U3D, KMZ, and COLLADA, so you can import, view, and interact with most 3D models.
Integration with Adobe Acrobat 8 software
Create, modify, and collaborate on 3D content more easily through tight integration between Photoshop CS3 Extended and Acrobat 3D software. Convert myriad 3D CAD formats to the robust U3D interchange format, enhance models and create composites with Photoshop Extended, and easily embed 3D models created in Photoshop Extended into PDF files to distribute for review.
Enhanced Vanishing Point with 3D support
Edit in perspective on multiple surfaces--even those connected at angles other than 90 degrees--with the enhanced Vanishing Point, which also lets you measure in perspective; wrap graphics, images, and text around multiple planes; and output 2D planes as 3D models.
Video and Animation Design - Movie Paint
Enhance video directly within Photoshop Extended. Now you can paint, add text, and clone over multiple frames of an imported video sequence.
Smooth animation workflow
Easily create animations from a series of still images or video frames with a new Animation palette that enables onion skinning. Broad video format support, including QuickTime Import QuickTime movies and most AVI and MPEG files, and output video and animations to MOV, AVI, MPEG-4, FLV, 3G, FLC, H.264 (iPod), and DV Stream.
Video layers
Create and edit images for video with maximum quality and a broader range of color models. Edit and enhance grayscale, RGB, CMYK, and LAB models at 8-, 16-, and 32-bit depths with color management.
2D and 3D measurement tools
Extract quantitative information from images with new measurement tools. Easily calibrate or set the scale of an image, and then use any of the Photoshop Extended selection tools to define and calculate distance, perimeter, area, and other measurements. Record data points in a measurement log and export data, including histogram data, to a spreadsheet for further analysis.
Scale Marker
Show scale in images destined for presentation or publication using the Scale Marker, which lets you easily add a scale graphic to any image.
Count tool
Easily and accurately count objects or features in scientific images with the Count tool, which eliminates the need to perform manual calculations or rely on visual assessments of changes from image to image.
History palette and Edit History log
Undo and redo any set of editing steps in an open image with the History palette, and automatically track all editing steps within your files with the Edit History log. Export steps to a text file or save them as part of image metadata for easier documentation of your work, file audits, and more.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Jump from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom software to Photoshop CS3 Extended in one click for advanced editing of your digital images. Lightroom (sold separately) offers an efficient, powerful way to import, manage, and present large volumes of digital images.
Black-and-white conversion
Easily convert color images to rich black-and-white and adjust tonal values and tints with a new tool. Experiment with the included black-and-white presets, or create and save your own custom presets to achieve the best results.
Improved printing experience
Experience better control over print quality with color management, a larger print preview window, and more controls in one place so you can print in fewer steps. Improved printing controls, co-developed by Adobe and HP, make printing easier and more predictable, and streamline setup options via integration with select printers from HP, Epson, and Canon.
Adobe Device Central CS3
Visually emulate how your dynamic content will render on mobile devices using the built-in Adobe Device Central CS3.
Zoomify export for high-resolution web display
Take advantage of Adobe Flash and Zoomify technology to export high-resolution images to the web for viewing through Adobe Flash Player software. Flash Player displays your images quickly and efficiently, letting viewers zoom in on details with minimal delay.
Smart Filters
Add, adjust, and remove filters from an image without having to resave the image or start over to preserve quality. Nondestructive Smart Filters allow you to visualize changes without altering original pixel data.
Smart Objects
Perform nondestructive scaling, rotating, and warping of raster and vector graphics with Smart Objects. Even preserve the editability of vector data from Adobe Illustrator software.
Enhanced 32-bit high dynamic range (HDR) support
Create and edit 32-bit images and combine multiple exposures into a single, 32-bit image that preserves the full range of a scene--from the deepest shadows to the brightest highlights. New image-processing and alignment algorithms deliver superior results. And with Photoshop CS3 Extended, you can even edit 32-bit images using brushes, filters, blending modes, transformations, selections, tools, aspect ratios, and more.
More powerful cloning and healing tools
Experience greater control when retouching images with cloning tools and the Healing Brush. Clone images over time; see source pixels under your tool or brush for more precise positioning; preview changes to source content live; and set multiple source points, scale, and rotate in the new Clone Source palette.
Rich painting and drawing toolset
Create or modify images with a wide assortment of professional, fully customizable paint settings, artistic brushes, and drawing tools.
Improved Photomerge technology
Take advantage of refined Photomerge technology, which uses new layer-alignment and layer-blending capabilities to let you automatically stitch horizontal or vertical photos into seamless panoramas.
Quick Selection and Refine Edge tools
Make selections in a snap. Loosely draw on an image area, and the Quick Selection tool automatically completes the selection for you. Then preview and fine-tune your selections with the Refine Edge tool.
Flexible layers
Composite images, text, and effects on hundreds of layers for extraordinarily sophisticated results. Organize layers with up to five levels of nesting, and save them in different combinations as layer comps.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 is available for an estimated street price of US$649 and Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended is available for an estimated street price of US$999, directly from Adobe or through Adobe Authorized Resellers. To order directly from Adobe, visit the Adobe Store at www.adobe.com. Licensed owners of Photoshop CS2, Photoshop CS, or Photoshop 7.x can upgrade to Adobe Photoshop CS3 for US$199, or upgrade to Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended for US$349.

Photoshop CS3 Upgrade Options And Bundles From The Adobe Store
Photoshop CS3 Extended is ideal for film, video, and multimedia pros and for graphic and web designers using 3D and motion. Get the full version for US $999, or upgrade for US $349. The standard version of Photoshop CS3 is available for US $649, or as an upgrade for US $199.
Photoshop Extended is also available as part of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium ($1,799/$440), which combines all-new CS3 versions of Photoshop, Flash Pro, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat 8 Pro. International options are available at Adobe's UK Store, Europe Store, and Australia Store.

Tips For Working With Layers In Photoshop CS2
(From Jennifer Apple) Keeping with their proclivity for the sometimes infuriating rearrangements of menus and hotkeys from version to version, Adobe has made some changes to the Photoshop layers palette in CS2.
As I found myself running into a few walls while working on a job, I decided to share my little discoveries with everyone. Hopefully this will prevent some unnecessary headaches!
Read the Tips For Working With Layers In Photoshop CS2 tutorial.
(Creativepro.com) Photoshop CS2 - What's In Store For Digital Photographers
Ben Long looks at the new features in Photoshop CS2. From the introduction: "Adobe Photoshop CS2 is poised to be the biggest upgrade to Photoshop in years. (For those of you keeping track using the old numbering system, this is Photoshop 9.) While Adobe often focuses on a few particular areas when revving an app, Photoshop CS2 adds a little something for everyone. In this installment of Framed and Exposed, I'll show you new features tailored specifically to digital photographers and editors."
Read the article at Creativepro.com.
(Creativepro.com) Photoshop CS2 - General Review
In the introduction to this article, Ben Long says: "In the latest release, Photoshop Creative Suite 2, Adobe added new features for everyone. In addition to new photo-editing features, such as automatic perspective controls and improved Camera Raw, the program's new Smart Objects and Warping tools should appeal to all users. I'll spill the beans right now and tell you that Photoshop CS2 is well worwth the money ($599 or $149 upgrade), although there's still room for improvement."
Read the article at Creativepro.com.
Photoshop CS2 Review By Colin Smith - PhotoshopCAFE.com
From the introduction: "PhotoshopCAFE.com is pleased to present this review of Adobe’s latest release. This is the 15th Birthday of Photoshop and I would like to introduce you to Version 9 - dubbed Photoshop CS2.
Read the article at PhotoshopCAFE.com.

Camera RAW
In this clip you'll learn how to correct a very dark image, and how to use the new Auto Correction settings in Camera RAW CS2.
See the Total Training CS2 "Camera RAW" video tutorial.
Vanishing Point
In this clip you'll learn how to draw a grid that matches the perspective of your photograph, and how to set new source points and then clone and paint inside the grid.
See the Total Training CS2 "Vanishing Point Tool" video tutorial.
Image Warp
In this clip you'll learn how to create true envelope-style distortion with installed warp presets, and how to use traditional transformation settings to create a wrapping effect.
See the Total Training CS2 "Image Warp" video tutorial.
Adobe Bridge
In this clip you'll learn how to use the new View Controls for changing the size of thumbnails with a slider, and how to preview a variety of files, including fonts and color swatches in a document.
See the Total Training CS2 "Adobe Bridge" video tutorial.
Smart Objects
In this clip you'll learn how to import a graphic and choose the Smart Object command, and how to shrink and then enlarge a graphic with no loss of detail.
See Total Training CS2 "Smart Objects" video tutorial.
Smart Sharpen Filter
In this clip you'll learn how to use the new Smart Sharpen Filter, and the difference between the Smart Sharpen Filter and the Unsharp Mask Filter.
See the Total Training CS2 "Smart Sharpen Filter" video tutorial.
Remove Red Eye
In this clip you'll learn the most common causes of red eye, how to select the Red Eye Tool from the toolbox, and how to remove red eye completely with one click from the Red Eye Tool.
See the Total Training CS2 "Remove Red Eye" video tutorial.
Shadow Highlight Filter
The Shadow/Highlight Filter lets you modify the shadows and the highlights in an image to independently reduce the contrast of an image. In this clip you'll learn how to change the default Shadows and Highlights settings to avoid flaring.
See the Total Training CS2 "Shadow Highlight Filter" video tutorial.
Match Color
In this video clip you'll learn how the Match Color Command functions work so you can match the colors of one layer or image with the highlights of another layer or image.
See the Total Training CS2 "Match Color" video tutorial.
Liquify Filter Warp Tool
In this sample clip you'll learn the following:
How to work with the Liquify Filter Dialog Box.
How to use the Liquify Filter's Warp Tool to make subtle adjustments to an image.
See the Liquify Filter Warp Tool video tutorial.
Camera Raw Color Controls
In this sample clip you'll learn the following:
How to work with the new Color Sampler Tool to set specific color sample points.
How to use the Temperature and Tint sliders in the Color Controls dialog box.
See the Camera Raw Color Controls video tutorial.
Surface Blur Filter
In this sample clip you'll learn the following:
How to use the Surface Blur Filter for photo retouching.
How to adjust the Threshold and Radius values to control your blur.
See the Surface Blur Filter video tutorial.
Exposure Command Photoshop CS2 (Photoshop 9) Video Tutorial
In this sample clip you'll learn the following:
How to work with 32 bits of data per channel.
How to modify the brightness and contrast of an image using the Exposure Command.
See the Exposure Command video tutorial.

Exclusive Special Offer - Fluid Mask 2.0 - $189
Fluid Mask 2.0 is based on breakthrough segmentation technology inspired by the way the eye, optic nerve and brain perform visual processing. When an image is loaded, Fluid Mask's segmentation engine analyses the distribution of colors, finding the natural groups within the image. Together with information calculated about edges, gradients and textures, a model is constructed which divides the images into objects.
Vertus Software is offering Fluid Mask at the special 'friends and partner' discounted rate of just $189 - PLUS free upgrades for the next 6 months.
This is an exclusive offer to visitors of PhotoshopSupport.com. To qualify, visit the Fluid Mask Discount Price page. Find out more about Fluid Mask on our special Fluid Mask Page.

Alien Skin Software - Photoshop Plugins - Special 10% & 20% Discounts On All Alien Skin Photoshop Plugins
Our friends at Alien Skin Software have set us up with an exclusive special offer discount link that will give you some sweet savings at their online store.
Just follow this link and you'll see 10% and 20% price drops on their products when you get to the Alien Skin Online Store area (excludes the Eye Candy Bundle, which is already discounted at $199). This special offer includes a discount on Eye Candy: Textures, Eye Candy: Nature, Eye Candy: Impact, Exposure, Blow Up, and their latest release Snap Art.
Snap Art $149 our price $129
Blow Up $199 our price $179
Exposure $199 our price $179
Eye Candy 5: Impact $99 our price $79
Eye Candy 5: Nature $99 our price $79
Eye Candy 5: Textures $99 our price $79

Exclusive 20% Discount On Select Total Training Products & Bundles
To redeem our exclusive discount coupon, use promotion code save20pss in your shopping cart. You could save hundreds of dollars. Use this special link to see the full offer.
Total Training for Adobe Photoshop
Learn Adobe Photoshop with 21 hours of interactive Adobe Photoshop tutorials. This is training for real-world situations and includes additional tips and techniques used by the pros. Visit Total Training for more details.

SiteGrinder 2 - Photoshop Plugin
There often seems to be a strict division of labor within the world of web design and development. Creative professionals tend to stick to the Photoshop domain, while those well-versed in scripting are left to the task of implementing their work. Indeed, the two realms are quite different from each other, to which any of us even vaguely familiar with either can easily attest.
Essentially, Photoshop is a no-holds-barred design studio, offering the artist a seemingly endless array of creative options. On the other hand, HTML, CSS, Java and the like follow strict rules of engagement, requiring the developer to take any number of esoteric concerns into consideration in order to ensure that designs are properly displayed on the web.
Turn Photoshop Into A Complete Web Design Tool
SiteGrinder 2 seeks to bridge this gap between design and development. Basically, this program turns Photoshop into an easy-to-use and fully functional web design tool. With SiteGrinder 2, designers will now have the freedom to totally let their creativity loose and then, without skipping a beat, transfer their designs to the web. Bringing esthetic concerns together with more practical considerations, this program is an amazingly powerful tool that would make a fantastic addition to any web designer's bag of tricks.
Generate Your Web Pages Directly From Photoshop
By generating web pages directly from Photoshop, you'll be able to spend much more time on the creative end of the spectrum, since you'll know right off the bat how well particular designs will translate to the web. No more going back to the Photoshop drawing board after getting a phone call from your development team, telling you that what you had envisioned doesn't have a chance of being displayed on the web. You can immediately visually and interactively test your designs, which permits you to then make changes to either esthetics or functions while it's still relatively early on in the design process.
Pricing and Availability
Mac OS X and Windows versions of the SiteGrinder unlockable demo are available now via download. SiteGrinder 2 can be ordered from Media Lab's online store.

The Photoshop Blog offers the latest Photoshop and Digital Photography news and software updates, tips and tutorials, and random thoughts from graphic artist, digital photographer and Photoshop expert Jennifer Apple. Also includes Photoshop CS3 news!